
What we do-

We have a variety of activities and resources available.


Monthly Meetings

We meet the second Saturday of most months to spend time with our fellow members. After some time to socialize, we almost always have a Show and Tell where members share items they think might interest other members. We usually have a presentation by a member or guest about some aspect of the hobby. Sometimes there is an opportunity to participate in a hands on demo or activity. And members are always encouraged to bring any project they might be having difficulty with or something that they might want advice on, or help from one of the many experts in the group.

Guests are always welcome to join us at a monthly meeting!


“One Day Shows”

About once a quarter, at our normal monthly meeting we will also have a “One Day Show” where members can buy, sell, trade, or give away items, in a cross between a tiny swapmeet, and an antique show. This is a great time to pass on a great find, get a new addition to your collection, buy or sell horology related books or tools, pick up something off the “It’s for free” table, or just browse what your fellow members have on display. There is a small entry charge and a small fee for a table to sell.


Hands On Classes

Every year the Chapter makes classes available to members on a variety of subjects. They are usually small groups, with a very high instructor to student ratio. Typical classes have included introductions to servicing American Kitchen clocks, pocket watches, 400 Day clocks, using the mini-lathe, reverse painting, and even constructing a skeleton clock.

Class schedules and offerings are determined by member interest and instructor availability. There is a reasonable fee for each class depending on the needs of the class.


NAWCC Regional Show

Chapter 139, along with some of our other nearby Chapters host a Regional show in Houston. This multi-day event is a combination industry convention, antique show, retail store, educational opportunity, and social event. Join hundreds of NAWCC members from all over the US and the world this fall for 3 days of fun, learning, commerce, and fellowship. You must be an NAWCC national member to participate in all of the activities, but there is plenty to do as a guest or local Chapter member too.


Community Service

From time to time the Chapter works with others in our local area to repair, or preserve something of horological interest or historical value. Our latest project involved repairs and upgrades to public clocks in Galveston.


Other Activities

From time to time, Chapter members have helped people with estate issues, or other referrals.